02 June 2021 –  TIME 11:00 AM CET  Check your time zone


In this talk we will discuss different approaches used to image large volumes making use of imaging techniques such as Fluorescence Light Sheet Microscopy or Optical ProjectionTomography

New approaches which combine the benefits of both approaches will be presented, showing how they perform better in the presence of scattering when we combine statistics with light sheet microscopy.

This technique, termed Statistical Projection Optical Tomography (SPOT), may provide a solution to those instances where clearing cannot be performed thoroughly, or when dealing with live tissue with low transparency. 


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Presenter: Prof. Jorge Ripoll

Dept. of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering University Carlos III of Madrid and Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation Group Gregorio Marañón General Hospital

Duration: 20 minutes 

Q&A :10 minutes

Date: Wednesday 2nd of June

Time: 11.00 a.m. (CEST), UTC +2